Conclusion All of the three types of membrana tectoria esophageal stent adapt to relieve the esophageal carcinoma narrow obstruction and make the orificium fistulae seal. 结论三种类型覆膜食管支架均适应于食管癌狭窄梗阻解除及瘘口封堵;
Conclusion: The spiral CT was useful to find cholecystoduodenal fistula, and hypotonic enhancing scan can be helpful for directly discovering the orificium fistulae. 结论:螺旋CT能较好的发现胆囊十二指肠瘘,低张增强扫描能很好地显示瘘口。
Anesthesia and operation were successful in all patients, it was confirmed by vasography that the endovascular stent was graft exactly, the orificium fistulae of Aortic tunica intima was envelop, and the true lumen of arteriae aorta recovered. 麻醉手术进行顺利,效果明显,X线造影证实:18例患者支架置入位置均准确到位,主动脉内膜瘘口被封堵,狭窄的主动脉真腔基本恢复正常。